Metamora Church of Christ
"In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things love."
Established 1841
Our last service was May 14, 2023
Visiting Metamora Church of Christ
Visiting - What to Expect
Metamora Church of Christ has a longstanding history of passionate witness to God’s call. No matter who you are or where you are on your faith journey, at Metamora Church of Christ, you have a seat at God’s table.
Should you have questions or concerns please call our minister Bob McIntyre at (317) 697-5750 or email him at
Our Mission
Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church.
Our Denomination
Our congregation is affiliated with the Independent Christian Churches/Church of Christ, which affirms, Jesus is"the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16). Beliefs and practices include: open communion, freedom of belief, baptism by immersion, and the understanding that in our diversity we are church and are all ministers to the world.
Whatever makes you feel comfortable is appropriate! Some may wear a dress or a suit and tie. Others feel more comfortable wearing “business casual,” while others prefer to dress casually in jeans or shorts. If you’re comfortable in what you decide to wear, you’ll fit right in.
Finding Your Way Around
Most people enter through the main door with the covered porch. When you enter there is a small foyer area with coat racks. There are two rooms to the right that serve as the minister’s office and men’s Bible study room. The sanctuary is through the double doors on the left. To your right as you enter the sanctuary is the unisex restroom.
We have one staircase at the back of the sanctuary, next to the outside wall, leading to the lower level where Children’s Church is held and pitch-ins are held.
Sunday Bible Study for Adults
Our Bible Study classes meet from 9:30 a.m. to 10:25 a.m. on Sunday mornings prior to worship. The men’s group meets in the second room on your right as you enter the building and the women’s group meets in the classroom off of the sanctuary behind the baby grand piano. Both are open classes with a changing attendance that discuss the upcoming scripture readings for the week. All are welcome!
Worship starts at 10:30 a.m. and runs about an hour. You will likely notice an atmosphere of quiet greeting and discussion upon entering the sanctuary.
Our order of worship has four movements.
We Come Together because God calls us
We Share God’s Blessings by presenting our many gifts before Christ’s table of grace
We Proclaim the Word, opening ourselves to God’s teachings
We then Go Out to Serve, blessed by God’s love, to serve the world
This format is also a model for Christian living.
In preaching and worship we predominately follow a six-year International Sunday School Lesson format: a holistic approach to scripture. Each Sunday all ages hear and explore the same scripture readings, which help foster a balanced faith life for our children, youth and adults. The scripture references used by many churches guide us through the church year.
Communion is celebrated each Sunday and all are welcome at God’s table. Communion is served in the pews by deacons. The elements are passed along the pew and we serve one another where we ask you to hold the individual cup or bread and partake in unison.
Children in Worship
Children are very welcome in worship! We expect they will make noise so rest assured this isn’t a problem. At the beginning of worship we have one of the children select a hymn for the congregation to sing.
Our Children's Church begins midway through the service after communion is served. All children are invited to follow the Children’s Church leader to the space in the lower level to hear each week’s lesson in an age appropriate format. The adult will escort the children back to the upper level where they will safely remain until you pick them up after the service.
We have two pianos and use the Favorite Hymns of Praise hymnal during worship.
Fellowship before Worship
It is our practice to join together as a faith community before Bible Study to share conversations. It is together that we are the body of Christ so many ideas are shared and plans are hatched. This time of fellowship is open to all and we do hope that visitors will come early and join the conversations.