Metamora Church of Christ
"In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things love."
Established 1841
Our last service was May 14, 2023
Historical Highlights Metamora Church of Christ Metamora Indiana
1841 Revival preached by Reverend Alexander Campbell at the Presbyterian Church
July 18, 1841 Charter Members: Arnold Murray, Hannah Lamb, Catherine Pond, H. B. Martindale, George Stewart, John Garrett, Archibald Hahn, Levi Sherwood, John Thomas, Sarah Murray, Hugh M. Davis, Jesse Washburn, Eliza Martindale, Sampson Jones, John Mormann, T. H. Conner, Marinda Higgs, Thomas H. Pond, William Lamb, Henry Pond, Nacy Pond, David Clark, Sarah Jane Pond, Hannah Hawkins, William Wheeler, Mrs. Van Camp, Mrs. Senour. Organized Church of Christ, Met in Homes, 50 members
1847 Chose Servants
1850 T. Smith
Manning Smith
1868 Renamed Christian Church
1868 W. F. Parker held Revival
1869 W. F. Parker held Revival; met in Presbyterian Church
William H. Kerr
1872 Church on Canal dedicated by L. L. Carpenter, January 1, 1872 and cost about $3,000. The building is 30 x 58 feet.
The furnishings cost an additional $500.
1873 Bother Kevis, Administrator
1873 Women called Sisters
1874 J. P. Hadley
1875 W. G. Irvin
1876 Brother Irvin and Brother Land - Revival
1876 J. M. Land
1877 L. E. Brown
Riggs – Campbell Revival
W. W. Witmer
Omer Hufford
D. W. Campbell
H. S. Riggs
I. N. Teeter
William Kraft
J. V. Coombs
1899 C. C. Cline - Revival
B. F. Cato
1902 L. A. Winn
1904 Elder L. A. Winn assisted Roy L. Brown
1905 L. A. Winn, Allen Wilson - Revival
1905 Allen Wilson
1906 Allen Wison, E. L. Frager – Revival
1909 Deconess
1913 Individual Communion Begun
W. Jones
D. W. Milligan
E. L. Frazier
E. W. Akerman
1915 Walter Crawley, Brother G. I. Hoover - Revival
1915 Walter Crawley
1918 Walter Crawley Resigned
1918 Church Property - $2,700
1920 Walter Crawley – half-time salary $600
1922 (May) Charles Sulz – Revival – Greatest 60 Commitments
1923 Walter Crawley - Revival
1924 85 Members
1924 Owen Hufford
1928 Brother Killette
1933 John D. Skillet
1935-38 Brother Edwin Strong
1938-40 Felix Walker
1940-43 Howard Nuckels
1943-48 G. Mark Elliott
1948-56 W.W. Winter
1956-58 Earl Sims
1958-62 Tom Barnwell
1962-1963 John Richardson
1963-64 James Campbell
1964-67 Gary Hawes
1967-69 Robert Shoop
1969-71 Charles McDaniels
1971-73 Ron Miller
1973-77 Ken Goble
1979-82 Bryan Eubanks
1982-84 Russell Cottrell
1984-85 Jim Green
1985-86 Alan Webber
1986-88 Mark Nichols
1988-89 Dwight Gillespie
1989-90 Mark Magee
1990-93 Bill Altman
1993 Scott Rosen (May 16)
1994 Jason Gordon (October 2, 1994-September 3, 1995)
1995 Jason Galley served six weeks as Interim Ministe while Jason Gordon served his internship at
Markle Christian Church in Markle, Indiana May 21, 1995 September 3, 1995
1996 Jason Gordon resigned May 26, 1996
1996 Michael Rucker-hired August 11, 1996
2004 James Burgess
2013-14 William Dusing
2014- Bob McIntyre